St. John Paul II Healing Institute
Uniting Faith and Science as in Apostolic Times
Healing Prayer
We implore You, Lord Jesus Christ, to open the way to God Our Father’s Healing touch. Send Archangel Raphael to intercede for us before your Holy Throne. Release over us, the ocean of the Father’s Mercy. Purify us of anything not of You. May Your healing rays wash over us, fill us, and prepare us for your healing touch. Restore us to the original pattern of our first parents before the Fall. May the consequences of Original Sin, be transformed by your Son’s Most Precious Blood. Renew our physical bodies according to the pattern of your own holiness. Heal our DNA, and transform it to its original purpose ordained by the Father. Set us free from any spiritual bondage, and reconcile us to You. We thank You for all of the healing granted through your Paternal Heart.

The Power
of Prayer