St. John Paul II Healing Institute
Uniting Faith and Science as in Apostolic Times
We NEED Your Support...making donating easy
Your gift will help establish…​
Regular healing teams in medical clinics in St. Louis MO and elsewhere
Ongoing faith formation for physicians, staff and patients
Training of additional prayer groups to assists doctors and staff members
Web services in the formation process
Uniting other prayer teams to share resources
Your thoughtful contribution will continue to provide training, education, tools and financial support to the proliferation of hope to patients in need of healing.
This is a non-denominational form of ministry that is offered in clinical medicine. We can continue to serve others and expand our reach with your generous assistance.
Donate what fits your budget
“Open your minds and hearts to the beauty of all that God has made and to His special, personal love for each one of you.”
- St John Paul II